“It’s 100% mental”

Tell that to my legs! When I have a conversation about doing the ironman, a get a common remark that ‘it’s all mental”. Though I wholeheartedly agree that your mind has a controlling interest in everything we do, there’s no denying that our bodies still have to do it.  My mind told me to get out of bed this morning by asking  if I was going to wimp out or be strong today, then my body moved. I got to the pool and my mind told me to jump in, my body felt the cool water as I did. My mind told me to dry off and run around the track for a while. My legs still feel the result of that command.

I wonder if anyone is ever going to comment that it’s 51% mental 49% physical, or better yet :”10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will 5% pleasure, 50% pain and 100% reason to remember my name” (Fort Minor, Remember My Name). I’ve also heard that it’s all mental until you pass out, then it’s physical.

I don’t think that anything we do is 100% of anything.  However, I will continue to go on the theory that I will try give 100% of my effort in learning how my mind and body work. How much of that 100% does each one get?….it really doesn’t matter.

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