and on the 7th (week)…

I took off from working out this week. I still remained active, but didn’t push myself. Yesterday was gorgeous and I took the dogs for a long walk. There is a concept of allowing your muscles time to break down and recuperate so the can grow. Week 8 (or whatever week this is) will be as intense, or more intense then anyone before it. The number of reps per exercise will increase or the weight will get heavier. Every exercise movement will be done to failure (until my legs give out). My goal in this period (before June) is . . . → Read More: and on the 7th (week)…

Stop Talking to Yourself!

NEVER! There is no one on this earth that has the influence, impact, or control over you, like you. Speak kindly to yourself. Encourage and believe in yourself. Continue to talk to yourself. Because if you stop doing that, you lose more than your best cheerleader, you lose yourself.

If you move your lips when you are encouraging yourself, So What! Let everyone around you think that you’re screwy. Don’t sell yourself short because someone you don’t even know or care about thinks you are off your rocker. Even if your best friend doesn’t understand, that shouldn’t stop you. . . . → Read More: Stop Talking to Yourself!

Who’s in charge here?

Me and Coal (Coal Meister, Meister, Brain, Brainy, Mr Brain, Superdog) just ran 3.5 miles. It was so nice out with a huge full moon to look at.  The most difficult part of tonight was stopping from going too far. I had the energy, but didn’t want to push myself (I have plenty of time to do that).

How come every time your mind slightly suggests for your body to stop, it always listens? But, it doesn’t always listen when your mind is yelling “GO!”?

Wherever it comes from

Motivation, encouragement, caution, lessons learned, and growth don’t always have to come directly from our personal experience. Today I received a note from someone who found this blog and taught me a lesson from an experience in her life. Though, I never met her I immediately like her. Not because she taught me something, but because she went out of her way to do so. For that, I want to thank her.

I hope to motivate, encourage, caution, teach and help someone grow just as I know this experience will do for me.

Here Comes The Sun

I don’t think I’d ever refer to myself as a morning person, but I really like getting up early to workout.

Lance Legstrong

It’s supposed to be 65 degrees on Friday! I’m definitely going to go for a run. When we get the first signs of spring, we get motivated and want to be outside and run for hours. The fact that I’ve only run 7 miles in the last month, on  only two occasions, will put a limit on the time/distance I’m going to go for. If I try to push myself (even if I feel good), I will regret it. I have to do opposite of what a trainer in a gym that is assigned to you on your first . . . → Read More: Lance Legstrong

Glad to see you up

said the chin up bar.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

At 5:40 am, the sheets are warm, the house is quiet, and the dogs are sleeping. Should I stay in this warm bed, or get up and workout?

At 5:42 am, blankets are pushed aside.

At 5:43 am, this post is written while standing.

At 5:44 am, I hit Publish as I start my workout and my day.

thought for food

During the day today I forgot to eat lunch. We were so busy at work, it didn’t even dawn on me until 8pm when I was about to order dinner. I usually get a headache from a lack of food, but today I didn’t even get that bodily reminder. I know not eating properly and frequently is bad for me on so many levels, and so much worse at certain times. That made me think about my nutritional plan……(<— that’s me thinking).

I have an idea about not only what to eat, but when to eat, what to eat. . . . → Read More: thought for food

AlKaline isn’t something from right field

A goal in my training is to have a slightly alkaline body PH level (higher than 7). The higher the PH level, the fewer toxins you’re carrying around (I don’t want to carry those freeloaders). Two truths: a) all diseases and toxins are acidic and b) bacteria, viruses and parasites die when exposed to high alkaline environments. Makes me want to be alkaline.

What we consume, breathe or otherwise introduce to our body makes it either acidic or alkaline. Our bodies try to maintain a PH level around 7. The more acid we introduce into our system, the harder our . . . → Read More: AlKaline isn’t something from right field