AlKaline isn’t something from right field

A goal in my training is to have a slightly alkaline body PH level (higher than 7). The higher the PH level, the fewer toxins you’re carrying around (I don’t want to carry those freeloaders). Two truths: a) all diseases and toxins are acidic and b) bacteria, viruses and parasites die when exposed to high alkaline environments. Makes me want to be alkaline.

What we consume, breathe or otherwise introduce to our body makes it either acidic or alkaline. Our bodies try to maintain a PH level around 7. The more acid we introduce into our system, the harder our bodies have to work to eliminate them to get back to the proper PH. The best part of alkaline foods is that it helps your body remove that acid that can become uncontrollable otherwise. Help a body out….

This article is awesome….   A little long, but worth the read! What are you going to do instead of reading it, eat some acid?

I’m going to start to have a lot of do not’s, (mmmm donuts, is there anything they can’t do?) and a lot of do’s that I never had before. The more I learn about food and nutrition, the less I want to eat crappy stuff. I want to be in the best shape of my life, so that’s what I’m going to do.

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