It’s a choice, then it’s not

Today I met one of the new lifeguards at the Kroc center. She commented how I must be committed because I’m there as early as or earlier than she is everyday. Committed. I should be committed! (that was too easy). I heard the following phrase from somewhere and it rings true. Well, here it is paraphrased anyway: It’s easier to decide once to improve everyday, than to decide everyday to improve. It’s no longer a conscious decision. That’s just what I have to do. There is no decision about it. The how to improve part is the difficult part……. but that almost seems automatic too.

I can run further and/or fast than I could a few months ago. I can actually swim now, whereas a few months ago I didn’t know how. I’ve been on my bike for 1300 miles and I didn’t fall once, my first day I was afraid I couldn’t keep my balance.  Today is triaTHlon THursday and I didn’t have a choice not to do it. I also know that something improved (be it technique, speed, or just a feeling).

So, here I am, wondering if I did enough to improve myself today. I completed the longest TH TH ever. Is that all I needed to do, or should I do more? Just asking that question makes me realize, there is no such thing as too much improvement. Damn. now I have to do push-ups…..

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