I hope the rain keeps up

then it won’t come down…Wocca Wocca Wocca (dad’s joke with a Fozzy Bear ending).  Thanks for the horrible weekend weather report Hurricane Schwartz! I’ve been really looking forward to the weekend long rides. Over the past four weeks, I went from just being able to make 25 miles to doing 60 with energy to go more. That accomplishment in a short period makes me want to project it out…. so, by October 30th 2011 I should be able to go 6400 miles a day! (and I was worried about running out of the bike path doing only 50 miles, this is going to be a challenge).

When I was a kid, I was so skinny, my parents said I could run between raindrops (I thought they meant I was super fast, but I was obviously not very quick). Though I’m still pretty skinny, I don’t think I could get through the drops today (my bike is just too big, it slows me down). Today, rain or shine (I’d even accept overcast skies), I’m going for my long ride. Just me and a few other goofy people that know they could be running between the drops, but bring their bike anyway. Some days it’s going to rain, around here it’s 50/50. I’m not letting that stop me…. now, to find windshield wipers for my glasses.

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