Workout Calendar

I have my workout calendar! I just don’t know how to load it! But I do know how to load a colander. Not as exciting, but sometimes equally rewarding.

eat, ride, eat, sleep

Yesterday was my first 60 mile ride. The only nutrition I needed was a big bowl of brown rice and vegetables in the morning about 45 minutes before leaving. Miles 30, 40 and 50 came relatively easy. I ran out of water around the 50 mile mark, even though I had a bottle of water and a hydration belt (a belt that carries two smaller bottles of water) on. In the two smaller bottles, there was amino acids mixed with water. I think I’ll mix it with orange juice next time (to disguise the taste a bit). Part of . . . → Read More: eat, ride, eat, sleep

Getting ready

Time for a big bowl of brown rice and veggies for breakfast. It’s Sunday morning with a weather outlook for a perfect day. I’m going to attempt fifty + miles again today. My goal is to get through it without getting zonked in the last few miles.

Water (check), iPhone (check), bike computer (check), the right mindset (priceless, I mean check).  See you in 50 (+) miles!

I’m locked in!

My morning bike ride had my feet locked to the bike! I got clip less pedals.  That means my sneakers are clipped to the pedals (why are they called clip less then? I have no idea). Anyway, I can’t just take my feet off the pedals or move them around unless I do my special seated dance move (I just did it by the way).  I’ve been practicing with my other pedals when I come to a stop. I tried not to remove my feet from the pedals and back pedal or move very slowly to keep them ‘attached’. . . . → Read More: I’m locked in!

Your mind holds you back…..until

This morning I convinced my friend to attempt a 12 mile bike ride with me. The longest he’s ever done before was 4.5 miles. It was a mental hurdle (that I constantly try to jump), that was holding him back from trying anything longer. He was hessitant to go with me on Tuesday, but for some reason, he accepted the invite this morning. With my promise not to go too fast (like I can anyway (you never know what someone else thinks of your abilities)), he was ready at 7 AM.

We headed toward Philadelphia and turned around at . . . → Read More: Your mind holds you back…..until


Code for: having way too much fun. Today’s Tuesday’s triaTHlon THursday was the warmest yet and my fastest run by far.  Overall, it was easier than the first few weeks, but I’m not perceptive enough to really feel any difference as I’m doing it.

In addition to the basic three (swimming, running and biking), I’m adding another aspect to my physical training. Since I got my bike and started swimming regularly, I stopped doing other workouts. I have a twelve week personal boot camp plan that includes push-ups, sit-ups and chin-ups. I’m sure I’ll be adding to it to keep from getting . . . → Read More: 2T2TH2

Swimming for fun and profit

I’m still working on the profit part …. give me time. The fun part happens everytime I get in the water. Besides splashing around like a lunatic, doing connonballs and trying to perfect the triple lindy, I’m actually doing something that resembles swimming! Today was probably the best day so far. My breathing was good, my stoke length was good and I felt light in the water.

Now, if I can just figure out how to get someone to pay me for that.

I got zonked at mile 45

And that’s the good news! On Suturday, I went just over 50 miles on the bike which took almost 3 1/2 hours. My first three hours went really well. I had the right amount of fuel, my legs weren’t tiring and the weather was perfect. I finally figured out how far the path went in all four directions. Phoenixville to Collegeville, and Oaks to Philly. There is only so much path that you can drive a road bike on ( just about 50 miles), my next concern will be how to add 10 more miles to that ride without . . . → Read More: I got zonked at mile 45