
I want to eat things that are growing and edible, not processed and dead. Wheatgrass fits in the first category. Now I suppose that I could buy wheatgrass capsules or wheatgrass powder and be done with it. But, I’m unclear how they can extract the nutrients from the grass (which is in the liquid) and provide it in a powder form. If you’ve ever juiced a fruit or vegetable, did you drink the juice or eat the fiber left over? Now imagine the juice in your glass, how do you make it into a powder?

In any event, I’d rather juice it myself of course. Did I just turn into a hippie?  It took about 2 days for the seeds to sprout and another 8 for it to grow sufficiently long enough to get any nutrients out of it. Before you think I’m going to start doing your landscaping for free, Kentucky bluegrass and wide leaf  weeds are not on my list of approved edible foods.

The goal is to drink about two ounces a day for about three months. I’ll let you know how I feel then. As long as I don’t turn into a farm animal before then.

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