ironman training… a loners dream

I’ve spent over 200 hours alone in my training. That’s 8 full 24 hour days and 8 hours (or there about). On a stranded island, that would probably seem pretty long (not if it was the island of Lost though). So, I would only need 128 hours to get a degree in a subject of my choosing, it seem I’m on my way to a PHD.  I don’t feel like I obtained a bachelor’s degree in triathlon yet. Maybe the number of hours for learning is far under estimated, or I’m that far out of shape that 200 hours doesn’t give me full understanding of how to be comfortable doing all three sports in one day.

Back to the number of hours alone…. it was an average 1 hour a day for 200 straight days. To be able to ‘escape’ for an hour every single day is a dream for most people, it’s even nicer for a loner. As the event gets closer, the number of average daily hours will increase significantly, and my inner loner will be in bliss. When I spend an average of 2 full hours by and with myself daily, I’ll start to understand who I am and what I’m capable of. In the next two months, I won’t receive a PHD in anything for the number of hours I’ll put in, but I hope to understand the only body and mind I’ve been given.

From this experience so far, it seems it doesn’t matter if there is someone right next to me (for this point I’m making only) or not as I’m exercising, I’m still there alone in my head. And for now, it’s a pretty fun place to be. I’d ask you to join me, but then that would defeat the purpose of being alone!

Being a loner (in training) is so underrated.

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