Back in the saddle

Not exactly what Steven Tyler was singing about, but a saddle none the less.  Today was my first day on the bike in over a week. I thought I’d take the first ride easy….until I got on it. That crazy man who eats the raw potatoes had a saying that rings in my ears once in a while….’the trick is to get anaerobic everyday’. That means do something physical to the degree where you run out of breath and have to stop so it catches up with you. In my case tonight, I rode out of breath on the way to Philly. My top speed was 29 mph on a straightaway. Though I didn’t maintain it long, it did the trick. I slowed down, took a drink, turned around and tried to top that speed. I got to 28 point something. For the next few miles, I kept it slow….until someone passed me. My next sprint happened instantaneously. I don’t know why I’m racing people who aren’t racing me, but it keeps me pushing myself. I did a total of 6 sprints over 24 miles. That was a fun night (it was 90 degrees and very humid).

Tomorrow I’ll be back in the sneakers, racing someone, or something.

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