We’ll see

It’s been a week since my mistake of running without braces. The swelling is down and I have no more constant pain.  Now, one more day and I’ll attempt to run again (with braces this time). We’ll see.

With 6 months of training left, I really need to get on the road. My biggest obstacle last year was having enough in my tank for the marathon. I didn’t train enough for the run (that was obvious to me). As it turned out, it was my least favorite of the three during training. Learning to swim and going fast on . . . → Read More: We’ll see


I spent Saturday and Sunday on the couch, which was a little upsetting because of how nice it was this weekend. In my attempt to start my running training, I ran last Wednesday. I wasn’t going to go very far, or very fast (even if there were ghost runners out there) so I decided not to wear either my ankle and knee braces. Big mistake….. I felt fine Wednesday night and most of Thursday, but by Friday a spot about two inches above my left ankle was really tender.

Fawn says it’s where my tendon attaches to my bone….. That’s cool, . . . → Read More: Ouch

The lesson is at the end

I’ve heard that the lesson to be learned to anything is at the end. Hmm. The end of what exactly? The end of the day, the week, the event, the story….? Is the lesson a stand alone lesson, or is it contingent upon previous lessons? Would I take the same thing away as someone else or does that only happen when when we are told exactly what we should learn, like in a fable? We’re all sort of living in our own fable. We tell each other stories about how we overcame this or that. How we applied a . . . → Read More: The lesson is at the end

some things you get

to buy, some things you get to do.

I’ve bought things. Most of which, I’m ready to give back if I haven’t already. The things I got to do, however….. I wouldn’t  want to ever give back even if I could.

I’m not an adventurer, thrill seeker, or someone who normally enjoys risky activities, nor do I just try things just so I can say I did. The things I get to do, for the most part, are pretty mundane. I really don’t get to do a whole lot. In fact, I’m starting to get depressed typing this….

Actually, I’m really . . . → Read More: some things you get

slow motion swimming

Is there a term for exercising without hardly moving and breathing like you are sleeping? The last two times I went swimming, I tried to move as slowly as I possibly could. The slow movement is almost meditative, as my breathing is calm and smooth. When I would breathe, I’d watch my hand exit the water and make a very slow arch until it entered again with as few bubbles as I could make. Each time up the pool I tried to go even slower. Though it may seem like a strange way to swim, especially if you happened . . . → Read More: slow motion swimming

I can’t freaking wait!

I just checked the participant list for Arizona Ironman and…. THERE I WAS! It written down, I’m on the list, there is nothing I can do about it but …. GO. Why does it have to be so long from now?

I’m just getting out to run a bit. Yesterday I went 3 1/2 miles and felt OK. The first 1/2 mile I was (like usual) tempted to walk. I started getting really warm about that time and welcomed the feeling. I can’t explain it fully, but when that feeling of warmth takes over, it gives me a sense . . . → Read More: I can’t freaking wait!

When it rains, it ….

‘s better than snow. But it’s just as hard to get up in the morning. I know I have over 8 months go get ready and know it’ll get easier to get on a morning schedule as time goes on. I don’t quite understand why, however, on rainy days the most tired I am during the night is the very last few minutes before I have to get up. I’m going with: because it seems darker when it rains (even though the sun is nowhere near the horizon yet).

As Spring gets closer, the weather gets warmer, and my . . . → Read More: When it rains, it ….

9 lives

We have a customer that has so many stories of about how ridiculous life is that we always tell her that she should write a book. The gist of her latest ‘chapter’ had to do with her husband who, she swears, cheated death a dozen times. “Yea, he shot himself in the leg, got some kind of infection from it, jumped out of a third story window, nearly chopped off his hand, got hit by a car twice (didn’t ask if it was the same car)”. All that before 9 am. Haha. We joked about how he must be . . . → Read More: 9 lives


I’ve recently become obsessed (once again) with the Ironman Championships in Kona Hawaii.  It’s usually televised in December every year, but within the wonderful world of YouTube.com it plays daily on my computer. The full episodes from 2006- 2011 are on there. Just like an 80′s movie that I can quote word for word as it plays, so goes with the full 6 hours that I watch constantly.

I’m happy that the episodes are available because it gets my mind focused on doing it again come November. I don’t think it’s probable that I can do it fast enough to . . . → Read More: Obsession

Didn’t he play for the Red Sox?

With spring training starting today and the weather being as nice as it’s been, the desire to be outside as much as possible is as high as I remember it being. The change in seasons always makes me want to change something (not just my clothes).  As the darkness of winter fades and the days start earlier, I have a renewed sense unlimited possibilities. Seriously, anything is possible. My new training schedule is set, and my belief that I can and will accomplish it is (at this moment) unshatterable. It’s almost as if I’m starting my own spring training with . . . → Read More: Didn’t he play for the Red Sox?