What do you get out of climbing a tree?

I got up at 4:23 am today for experimental purposes. I wanted to drink 32 oz of water and have it digest before I got in the pool at 5:30. I don’t usually eat anything before swimming, and only drink a few sips of water on the way to the pool. The thought process behind drinking so much was getting my internal organs working to flush out anything that was just hanging around in there overnight. I think I wanted more than my muscle working, I wanted my whole body working.

I found out that 4:23 really isn’t that much earlier than 4:43. I also found out that drinking that much water makes you want to go to the bathroom. My parents have a sign in their backyard by their pool that says “Welcome To Our OOL, Notice That There Is No ‘P’ In It. We Want To Keep It That Way”. Don’t you know that the Kroc Center Pool doesn’t have such a sign?  I was afraid to let loose though because of the chemical they put in the pool that turns it purple and sets of an alarm…..

Afterwards, I took a quick jog around the center for 25 minutes and as I was moving, I began to think about how much I enjoyed going through this training. My face will never be on a Wheaties box, I’ll never get endorsements from sneaker or bike companies and I’m sure no one will ever seek my advice on endurance sports. So what is the reason for getting up so early when I don’t even have cows to milk? The same reason I climbed a tree when I was a kid.

Sometimes you just have to do things, that you like to do, just because you like to do it.

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