Fastest one yet

1T2TH2 is in the record books. I followed the plan I made last night…sort of.  All except for the sweet potatoes, and the good sleep. In any event, Today’s swim was faster (30 laps in 21 minutes), run was faster (3.1 miles in 27 minutes 15 seconds) and bike was faster (12.4 miles in 45 minutes 50 seconds). I had my proprietary amino shake right after I finished and am ready to take on the world, or at least whatever happens today.

It’s fun looking at the watch about the half way point. Seeing a lower number encourages me to try harder, a higher number encourages me to try even harder. It’s a gauge that I use to try harder no matter what.

I was watching NBC’s Ford Kona Ironman Championship Special (you know, NBCFKICS) one year, and this guy they interviewed said the secret was potatoes! Was he eating a raw potato!? No, there was another secret shared which I think about as I’m exercising. The potato guy said “the secret is to become anaerobic everyday”. Right now, I’m settling for once a week until I start eating raw potatoes, I mean until I get into better shape. Although it wouldn’t take as much to make it happen now.

So please excuse the sweat and heavy breathing in the next post as I take this advice.

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