I was all geared up to take off a bit early today to take advantage of: 1) one of the last few beautiful days before it gets too cold and 2) one of the last few beautiful days before it gets too cold, but that didn’t turn out like planned. Just as I was about to take off for the day to 1 and 2 above, I had customers come in. One after another for another hour or so. The sun was slowly going down as I took off at the usual time to try to get a decent bike ride in. When I got home, the wind picked up and my mojo was disappearing. I took the bike out anyway, but didn’t get too far. The thought of battling the strong cool winds wasn’t something I wanted to do today. I turned around to head home, which was oddly into the wind, and decided to workout at home. I didn’t know how much I was going to do (as explained why very shortly).
Since I want to do as many core exercises as possible, tonight was a great night to add to the totals. I have a set routine and when I finished, I was looking for more to do. A PX90 and Insanity ab workout later, I decided to move to a leg workout. My body will probably be telling me tomorrow that I did a little too much tonight, but I’m glad I did. The last two days I’ve been tired. A different tired from wanting to take a nap then running instead. A tired that actually had me take a nap at 7:00 am after swimming. I’ll chalk those days up as rest days. Based on tonight’s workout the momentum has switched back into high gear, and that’s where I need it.
I have 1 month from today. One month till the race. I’m glad to have people around me that have such confidence in my ability to finish. Believe me, I’m going to take your kind words and your confidence with me and tuck them away for when I really need them (around mile 2 of the swim, mile 80 of the bike and mile 14 of the run). Who am I kidding? I’m going to need them the whole way! I need that wind in my sail to carry me to the finish line…… IN ONE MONTH.