One advantage of waking up early

My daily routine has been waking up around 5 am and working out for at least an hour. Most days I swim for that hour. Though, because I’m not too efficient at it right now, I get a pretty good workout. Today I somehow had enough energy to swim for an hour and ride my new shiny bike for 7 miles. It was cold of course, but the trail was empty and the sky was clear.

Now, an hour later….it’s raining, and it’s supposed to continue all day. Riding my new shiny bike home is out of the picture.

It’s like riding a bike

This morning I walked out the back door and down the driveway with my shiny new bike rolling next to me. As I got to the front of the house, I started to wonder how I was going to ride it without breaking my neck. It’s so big, when I get on the seat, my feet don’t touch the ground. I looked around to see if anyone was looking and hopped on. I thought about turning left and going down the street to a flat surface to ‘practice’, but right then an amazing thing happened.

I turned right and went up . . . → Read More: It’s like riding a bike

Yea right…in a perfect world

We all know we don’t live in paradise, where there is no stress, we live cleanly and are in harmony with the universe. Unless of course you live in Charlie Sheen’s head.

I’d eat right, sleep right, exercise right and I’d be right with my thoughts, if only I……

Wait a minute. I can eat right, sleep right, exercise right and think and act right…. Maybe this IS paradise!

It’s tough not to get caught up in daily stresses and BS of daily living. As long as we remember that nothing has any meaning unless we give it meaning, we . . . → Read More: Yea right…in a perfect world

‘Give Me More Energy Cookies’

Not to be confused with ‘Muscle Muffins’ or ‘Glute “oh my” Bars’, ‘Give Me More Energy Cookies” are what I ate before my workout last night and had 30 min on the stationary bike averaging 19.2 mph and 30 min on the treadmill averaging 8.2 mph. I still had energy when I got off the treadmill but decided not to continue working out. That’s pretty hard to do, but somehow I’ve been pretty good about not over training. I can’t wait to see the ‘cookie effect’ when my workouts become longer and even more intense.

When I got to . . . → Read More: ‘Give Me More Energy Cookies’