17 Hours. 17 Hours? 17 Hours!

If I were to attempt the Ironman tomorrow, I’m pretty confident it would take me 17 hours to complete it. My swim should take me about 2 hours, my bike should take about 7 hours and the marathon should take about 7 hours, the last hour should comprise of the transition time between events.

If I were to attempt the Ironman tomorrow, I’m pretty confident it would take me 17 hours to complete it? I can’t even imagine swimming for two solid hours, can you? I’ve been on a bike for five hours, but would it really take me two more hours to get to the end? Then comes the marathon. If I walk a good portion of it, which I’m sure is going to happen, could I really finish before midnight? Doing anything for 17 hours is exhausting to think about, let alone something physical. Can I really do it all in 17 hours?

If I were to attempt the Ironman tomorrow, I’m pretty confident it would take me 17 hours to complete it! The swim portion should take me 2 hours to finish! Just the thought of being able to swim 2.4 miles gets me excited! Just a few months ago, I couldn’t swim 25 yards! Biking 112 miles in one day is something I thought was just a dream, now I can do that in only 7 hours! The last part, a marathon, 26.2 miles is a distance I’ve been able to run before. I have no delusion to make record time, but to be able to complete that distance after everything else that day in only 7 hours is inspiring to me!

Seventeen hours(.,?,!) Yep 17 hours!

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